
Monday, November 19, 2007

Blocking is for Linemen

I have the most terrible writer's blog, that is assuming of course that I am in fact a writer of course. But since the summer began I haven't been able to complete a thought in any phase of my life. I may have ADD but mostly I am just easily distracted. I had blogs planned on:
  • the Soprano's finale, but now enough has been said (I thought it was a genius way of flipping the bird by the way),
  • and the Red Sox season which I am obviously very happy with, who isn't?
  • I've tried to blog about the recent strikes/protests which have plagued the UMass campus (not really though it's just the student's way of flipping the bird to themselves... idiots)
  • and I tried several times to write about the Patriots but there really are not a lot of English words to describe whats going on with that team so I'll sum it up with one Swahili word that I came across on the Internet "ontzagwekkend" which literally means "the New England Patriots are pretty!" (and their season is another way of flipping the bird, especially Billy B)

Basically this is the year of flipping the bird.....

That all said, I need help over here. My rent is in arrears, my days are dreary, I cycle through three websites for about 18 hours a day,, and and its just pitiful. So if nothing else, just send me some links to some amazing websites! Thank you so much, this may be a breakout blog!

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