
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Listen up people, the world is going to ruin and we are all along for the ride. People are masking the key problems of the crises that are taking place right now and I intend to expose some of them with a method I call, the Socratic Method, so stay with me.

Q: How is the world going to ruin?

A: Simply put, there is an overabundance of greed. While greed is not a new endeavor, in its current form it is ravaging honesty. The world is in tatters because of greed on all levels.

Q: Who is greedy?

A: Everyone including you. The biggest calamity of this crisis is the masking of responsibility. Yes, the greed of CEO's and government officials has played a role in this event, but not as significantly as the media wants you to believe.

Q: What does the media want me to believe?

A: That you are being taken advantage of and need to say "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" thus fueling your ire while the media creates stories and legendary people to support their slipping grasp on the reporting industry. By being a goat for the media and electing their darlings, drooling over their reports of sex, scandals, 'splosions and sports, you are supporting their CEO's. But they'll never tell you that any of it is your fault. Because that disrupts their system of profiteering on carrion.

Q: How is any of it my fault?

A: Here's the revelation that the media never wants you to know :You, the working class are the primary cause of this climate. You want more goods but want to pay less for them and you want more money to do less work. This is the primary system that caused this collapse. Yes the banks gave you loans you could not afford then sold them, yes George Bush Jr. started a war and lied about its cause, yes Barak Obama promises change and yes illegal immigrants are a booming population, but its all your fault.

You wanted the bigger house, your eyes grew wide when you saw that you could get a loan for 3500 square feet in a nice neighborhood instead of the loan that you could afford for a 2500 square foot home in a more questionable neighborhood, but did you say no?

Yes George Bush went to Iraq and deposed a brutal tryant while searching for WMD's but really used those reasons as a platform to secure oil for you. If he had told you that it was for oil would you have said no? I doubt it, because nobody said no then, it was unpatriotic.

Yes Barak Obama is young and hopeful but will he change anything at all? No, he is a politician and a "maverick" at that. He has thrown around trillions of dollars in bailouts and stimuli that on the surface work, but has any of that money gone to the future? No, it has all gone to patching up the sinking ship with rags. All under the pretense of "hoping" that "we can"

And Yes illegal immigrants are tending to the farms, mowing lawns and dusting ceiling fans, but have they actually stolen anyones jobs? No, you have given them to them. You asked for more money from your employer for less work then spent that money at [Insert Big Box Store Name Here] so they could sink your employer and open their own supplier and hire cheap less than minimum wage laborers who will still be making more than if they were in their own countries. All because you were greedy.

Q: How dare you?

A: Because someone needs to say it. These are not complicated times and no one has addressed the true root causes of these crises, each other. We have sold our own jobs out from under us for the newest flat screen TV, and the newest blackberry for our 10 year old. Change is a good thing, but not this kind of change. We have strayed too far away from a nation of doers to a nation of welfare abusers. Its time you pulled yourselves up from your boot straps, stop deluding yourselves into believing that you need that mp3 player, or 200,000,000 channels of HDTV and realize that the only things you need are food, shelter and love for each other. Until we stop selling ourselves out and start working harder and stop thinking that we are worth more than we actually are, we will continue down this path of immorality, joblesness and greed.

Q: How do I change?

A: It is not easy. But stop spending your time indoors on some gimmicky device and get yourself back to a relative state of nature. A great start is to plant your own garden. But on a larger scale write to your representatives that in order for this country to become rightous again, we need to sacrifice, specifically with the downgrading of minimum wage, and incentivizing the creation and stabilizaiton of what made this country so powerful for so many years... small local dependable friendly business.

Q: Since I am too stubborn and brainwashed/ indoctrinated to understand and accept what you are saying how do I take it out on you?

A: You write a response in this blog and I will respond and prove you wrong, and me, right.

Love you all. God has already blessed America so its time we stop raping that blessing and stop asking for more from God and start acquiring what we need for ourselves.

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